Dear Friend,
Thank you so much for your interest in Christ Covenant School (CCS).
To apply and register for CCS, we ask that you:
Download the enrollment packet, review, and complete the Covenant Agreement.
Enter the parent and student information in this form.
Return the signed covenant agreement and the $50 deposit.
New families to CCS will also meet with CCS Board members.
The CCS School Board will review your enrollment application and interview and you will be notified regarding the acceptance of your student(s).
The deposit may be paid online or by check.
Go to and select MENU and then GIVE.
Click “Give Online”
In the “To:” field, select “Christ Covenant School - Admin & Tuition Fees” in the dropdown menu.
There is a small fee for paying on-line (3% credit card/ 1% banking), and we ask that you cover that additional cost by checking the box that says “Cover Fees.”
In the memo, please include your last name.
By check:
Please make checks payable to New Life in Christ Church with ‘CCS tuition-your name’ in the Memo and place it in the Christ Covenant School mailbox located in the church office.
Once again, thank you for your interest in CCS. We look forward to working with you.